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Feeling good is natural with us

The Vintage Rooms

The Vintage Rooms at Hotel Hollywood welcome you to delightful, functional environments that offer the perfect blend of comfort and affordability
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This flexibility makes these rooms ideal both for solo travelers looking for a relaxing getaway and for couples, families or groups of friends who wish to explore the wonders of the area together.
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Located on the second or third floor of the hotel, the Vintage rooms offer different views, each capable of turning your stay into a different experience.

If you love the sea, some of the rooms give you a direct view of the water, allowing you to enjoy the relaxing movement of the waves. On the other hand, other rooms face the quiet pedestrian street, while some face the parking lot.
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The comforts of the Vintage Rooms

If you choose to stay in one of our rooms, here is what you will find :

  • Air conditioning/heating
  • Fridge 
  • Wi-Fi
  • TV
  • Safe
  • Bathroom with shower and hairdryer
  • Balconies

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hotelhollywood en vintage-rooms 017
Viale Oliveti, 80 - 47924 Miramare (Rn)
Tel. +39 0541/370561 - WhatsApp +39 3332954692

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hotelhollywood en vintage-rooms 018
Credits TITANKA! Spa